
Wednesday, 12 April 2017

St Patrick day by Paul

Learning Intention .W.A.L.T  write a recount.                                   
Success Criteria: I know I am successful  when I write in order, use capital letters and full stop correctly.

Last Friday it was St. Patrick's day. We went to church to hear mass. We sang and prayed to God. Then we went back to school after the mass.It was morning tea time so I ate my food. After that our team started to play the activities.
 We went to play rob the golden and emerald egg. We have to run to rob the golden egg then we run back to  our group . Next, our group went to Sr. Evalesi to paint a colourful rainbow  with our little finger.  It was fun. The next activity was bookmark making. I glued and coloured my leprechaun.  It was also fun. After that we went under the the shade to wait for the result of the group that  won. Finally we  have a lemonade ice block. It was yummy. 
Image result for st patrick's day games

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