
Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Measurement by Paul


Learning Intention we are learning to measure length distance .
Success Criteria : I know am successful when I can measure the distance length using my heel and toe,hand span and ruler

Toss the cannon

1.Heel and toes 5 toes  4 quaters

2.Hand span 7 hand span

3. ruler 4 and 13 cm

Jump the plank

1. heel and toes 5 and 3 quaters

2.Hand span - 5 hand span

3. Ruler - 6 ruler

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Grouping In Tens-by Paul

L-I We are learning to add and subtract tens. 
S-C I am successful when I can solve addition and subtraction with groups of ten.

1. 8 tens + 1 tens = 9 tens
2.6 tens + 2 tens = 8 tens
60 + 20=80
3.  7 tens + 2 tens= 9 tens
4. 5 tens + 4 tens = 9 tens
50 + 40 = 90
5. 9 tens + 1 tens = 100