
Thursday, 6 July 2017

Shark : by Paul.

Learning Intention .W.A.L.T: Write a report.
Success Criteria I am successful when  I can write a report about sharks.
Image result for sharks eating people

Shark are fish.  They are cold blooded.

Some sharks are small , some sharks  are big. Sharks  have tail  for swimming,  and  they have fins for balancing . They have sharp  white teeth to eat other fish.

They have eyes to see other fish, 
 Sharks have fins to balance their body.   Sharks have tail to move faster.  They have sharp teeth to eat other fish. Some sharks are grey and  white at the tummy and they use gills to breath . Some sharks eat smaller sharks,  other sharks  eat fish, some eat turtle crabs and lobster and a squid and people. They live in  oceans. 

Whales :By Paul

L-I .W.A.L.T. Write a report
S-C I am successful when I can write a report about whales.

Whales are mammals.
They  breath air on  surface. 
Whales are very big. Whales use their big eyes  to see other fish. Whales use their teeth to eat fish.  They have  blowhole to breath,  two flippers  for  balancing,  and   tail that are used for swimming. They use their lungs so they can breath. Whales can be found in Arctic oceans  and also they  live in Pacific ocean they can be found in every oceans in the world .

Image result for whales

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Feelings of the disciples before the Spirit came-by Paul

Learning Intention  - .W.A.L.T identify how the disciples felt before the Pentecost .
Success Criteria I know I am successful when I can tell the feelings  of the disciples before the Holy Spirit came .                                                                      
The feelings of the disciple before the Holy  Spirit came

Jesus Respected tapu in people by Paul.

Learning Intention- .W.A.L.T- How Jesus respect the tapu in people.
 . Success Criteria  I am successful when I can draw Jesus healing a leper .                                                 


Jesus respected the TAPU of the sick leper by healing him.